Definition of Fast forward

1. Verb. (transitive) To cause an audio or video tape, digital media stream, etc. to move forward very fast, so that when the device is played, it will start at a later point. ¹

2. Verb. (intransitive) To be fast-forwarded; to move ahead in this fashion. ¹

3. Verb. (intransitive) (figuratively) (By extension) to shift one's attention or focus toward a later point in time. ¹

4. Noun. A button that causes media to be fast forwarded. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Fast Forward

fast asleep(p)
fast backward
fast bowler
fast break
fast buck
fast busy signal
fast busy signals
fast clear down
fast company
fast component
fast day
fast dye
fast food
fast food restaurant
fast food restaurants
fast forward
fast forwarded
fast forwarding
fast forwards
fast friend
fast green FCF
fast lane
fast lanes
fast neutron
fast neutrons
fast one
fast pyrolysis
fast ray
fast reactor
fast rope

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